The Growing Parent: Sharing Attention Between Your Kids & Your Work

“Much of my job requires me to work out of my home, but unfortunately I can’t get anything done because my kids are always trying to get my attention. How can I get my work done without offending my children?”

These are common concerns that any parent would have when it comes to working from home. It’s certainly a positive sign that our children want our attention, and we don’t want to offend them by somehow communicating that we don’t want to give it to them. Children often have difficulties understanding why we have to focus on our work instead of giving them attention. However, this can be a great opportunity to teach them skills that they will need to develop as they mature anyhow.

Setting up clear and consistent boundaries has the potential to communicate not only your love for your children, but also the importance of a good work ethic. Children watch (and learn from!) everything that their parents do. Setting a healthy example will not only be encouraging, it will also teach them appropriate conduct.


Some Helpful Thoughts

  • Take a few minutes before you get started to give your child your undivided attention. As you do so, remind them that this time is just for you and them.
  • Be sure to communicate consistent boundaries about work time vs. play time and stick to it as much as possible.
  • Take a break from your work when you are able to and give your child a big hug to thank them for respecting your need to focus on work. Let them know how much you appreciate their efforts. Positive words go a long way in parenting!

Not every parent has the opportunity to be able to work from home with his or her children present. Remember that this can be an invaluable opportunity on a number of different levels.


Nick Hersey, LAMFT, LAPC
