Is Your Teen at Risk for Attempting Suicide

couple in an abusive relationship

It’s the thought no parent wants to even consider, “Is my child at risk for attempting suicide?” The suicide rate for teenagers has quadrupled since the 60’s. Each day in our country, over 5000 attempts are made by young people in grades 7 – 12. Of those who attempted, research shows 4 out of 5 gave clear warning signs they were in distress. So, while it is an unbearable thought, the more you know, the better you will be able to intervene if your child is at risk.

The following is a list of possible warning signs:

  • Any talk or joking about death. Saying things like, “I’d be better off dead,” “I wish I could disappear forever,” “There’s no way out,” “Heaven’s got to be better than this.”
  • Speaking positively about or romanticizing dying (“If I die, people might love me more”)
  • Changes in personality, behavior, sleeping patterns, eating habits
  • Acting differently from past, especially engaging in reckless behavior, or withdrawing from friends, family, activities or sports
  • Expressing feelings that are not typical such as hopelessness, fear of losing control, helplessness, worthlessness, feeling worried, agitated, or angry often
  • Giving away prized possessions
  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Situations that teen feels scared or unprepared to handle such as loss or death; bullying, humiliations, rejections, or failures; trouble at home, in school or with the law, or a break-up
  • Struggling with sexual orientation in an environment that is not respectful or accepting of that orientation

If you are concerned about your teen, don’t be afraid to talk to them. It is okay to directly ask if he or she has ever had thoughts about killing him or herself. If you suspect your teen is suicidal, seek professional help immediately.

Ann Sheerin MA
Asheerin @