The Porn Epidemic

Pornography has become one of the fastest growing addictions, around the world, especially over the last twenty years. This is not to say it hasn’t been around for many, many years. Movies such as “Dirty Harry,” which was filmed back in 1971, shows porn shops, and triple X movie houses lining the streets of San Francisco. It has become a multi-billion dollar a year business worldwide with many outlets to obtain it. However, the easiest access now is through the Internet. Research has shown that the use of pornography is not just a problem for males, but roughly 40-50% of females use pornography on a regular basis as well. The average age of a child being first exposed to pornography is eleven years. A total of 90 percent of children ages 8-16 have viewed pornography online.


No longer do individuals have to experience going into the sex store to buy or rent movies, purchase sex toys or magazines. They can do so from the comfort of their own living room and have the material immediately. The shame, guilt and stigma associated with going to the store no longer prevent people from buying what they desire.


Not only is access easier, but the variety of pornography has also increased. Anything from “straight sex” to child porn to beastiality can now be had by the click of a few buttons on the computer or cell phone. As I counsel with individuals to help them brake their addiction I’m realizing that because of it being played out in the mind, and not a chemical one, it’s much harder to overcome, yet not impossible. If you’re finding yourself struggling with this addiction I, and others at GROW Counseling are here to help.