College Tips: Girls to Girls – Part 1

A few nights ago, some of my friends and I were reflecting on those wonder years of college. We realized there was wealth of knowledge we gained along the way. It’s probably not what you are thinking though. Of course we learned about the War of 1812, Euclidian geometry, and writing in iambic pentameter, but there were some life lessons buried in the midst of the academics, which probably would have been helpful to know before we made the journey to college.

So for all you ladies out there, who are headed off to college for the first time (or back for a new semester), here are some things we wish someone would have told us!

  • Trust your instincts. Period. Don’t second-guess yourself, especially if it feels unsafe.
  • Study hard the first half of the semester so you aren’t stressed at the end. Most students are going to approach the semester the other way around. You will be glad you didn’t.
  • Schedule your classes at a time you know you will go to them (if you aren’t a morning person then schedule afternoon classes).
  • Sit at the front of the classroom and build a relationship with the professors. Ask questions and talk to the professors after class.
  • Don’t room with your best friend. It’s going to seem like a good idea but it’s not.
  • Don’t sign up for the credit card to get the free t-shirt – just buy yourself a shirt.
  • Don’t develop and eating disorder – so not worth it. Check out the counseling center if you need some support.
  • Tell someone where you are going and when you will be back.
  • The first month is a big adjustment, be nice to yourself and be patient. It gets better.

Check out Part 2 of this series!

Dr. Wendy Dickinson
wdickinson @