The College Experience – Practicing Self-Care

Experience is a great teacher. We learn though successes, we learn through mistakes, and we even learn from the internet. This summer, we are helping our students learn before their college experience. We have pulled together our experience in working with some of the brightest students, experience from working on college campuses in counseling, student life, disability services, and collegiate teaching to help equip our students as they take on this next phase of their student careers. We have chosen eight, essential topics to having a successful college experience in and out of the classroom.

Today, our topic is self-care!

In week 2 of the 8 week course, we will discuss self-care as a way of ensuring success and aiding in emotional, physical, and academic development. College is a time for exploration and finding oneself. However, this season of life transition presents many challenges for students. Proper self-care is a way to ensure success and aid emotional, physical, and academic development.

Below are a few tips that can help support a balanced college lifestyle:

  • Enjoy your classes – Take classes that you enjoy and that spark an interest. Sometimes, students are forced into a field by friends and family, and the courses may not be enjoyable. However, try to find some aspect of the course or what you are studying that you are passionate about. This makes studying easier and more enjoyable.
  • Take advantage of student services – Colleges often provide medical and emotional support care for students. Make sure you are taking care of yourself physically. With the pressures of academics in colleges, many time counselors can help you with your career choices as well as provide emotional support in order to help you to be healthy.
  • Get involved – There are many different organizations that can help to integrate you into the student body. Not only do these organizations provide social support, but they also help you to explore passions and hidden talents.
  • Find a balance – College should not be all about studying and academics. On the flip side, it should not be all about socializing. It is important to have a balance between your social life and academia in order to reach goals and be practicing proper self-care.
  • Take a break – Stress can negatively impact physical and emotional health. Many students may work during school, and it is important to take a break from the academic and work pressures. Find a calming activity that relaxes and reenergizes you.
  • Workout – Research has shown that physical exercise stimulates certain brain chemicals that can leave you feeling happier and less stressed.

We are looking forward to helping you make the most of your time as you head off to college!  For more information or to register for The College Experience, click here!

Other parts in this series include:
Time Management

Chelsey Beauchamp, MS
cbeauchamp @