Changing an Unhealthy Coping Mechanism

coping, change

We all have ways of coping or have fallen into bad habits, even addictions. You may have decided you want to change. But most likely you have found that actually changing just is not as easy as making the decision to do so. Change is hard for most of us.

Coping with Challenges

We all have to cope at some point in our lives. When things are hard and challenging, we need to be able to respond in a way that is healthy and positive. Here are nine things you can do to respond to the challenges of life. When Should I Seek … Read More

Forgiveness and Your Mental Health

The bottom line is that when people forgive, their thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and health become more positive. Deciding to forgive is a good first step. But, deeper forgiveness will have a greater positive impact on your mental and physical health.

The Stages of Grief

The stages of grief are not meant to be prescriptive, but rather a descriptive tool to help our minds understand what the abstract term “grief” tangibly may look and feel like.

Grief and Joy

grieving well means having resilience for feeling the pain, but also knowing that you are okay, that you will make it through, and, as a result, that you will experience both immense pain and immense joy.

Being Present With Grief

Grief is best served when witnessed by a loving presence.  This is the ointment needed to soothe the wounds of a grieving person, according to renowned grief specialist, David Kessler. Just being present with grief means more than we know.

A Mindset of Successful Grieving

It is not a question of whether we will experience loss and pain; it is a question of when. Although grief is unavoidable, it does provide options.  We can choose to face mourning with the mindset of grieving successfully.

Letting Go of Understanding

Have you ever experienced a traumatic or extremely disappointing event in your life? Maybe you lost a loved one or special friend unexpectantly; or a significant relationship ended and you were devastated. Often times, we seek to understand the purpose of these painful events. We may have many unanswered questions about the hurtful event.