When Anger Masks Anxiety

When anger masks underlying anxiety, attacking anxiety can accelerate success. Skill building gives us the ability to interrupt escalating anxiety.

Anxiety and Scheduling

One of the most common sources of anxiety is unpredictability or just not knowing what to do next. Having a schedule can help alleviate anxiety. It can be an incredible relief to incorporate some predictability into your life. Scheduling might feel overwhelming or restrictive for some people, like forcing yourself … Read More

Five Questions to Ask About Your Worry

Anxiety is a prolonged form of stress that can be really detrimental when left untreated over time. Therapy has been shown to be extremely effective at treating anxiety and the accompanying symptoms. Reach out to a therapist to talk about how therapy could help your anxiety!

Let’s Talk About Anxiety

Anxiety issues come in several forms and can truly affect one’s life. Anxiety is highly treatable through psychotherapy that includes behavior and thought changes, medication, or both. Some of the anxiety disorders include Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Social Phobias (Social Anxiety Disorder), and there are more.

Learning to Relax

Teaching yourself to relax amidst the various stressors in life is a skill worth investing both the time and energy. We might think we are relaxing when we are actually holding onto tension.

Three Ways to Make Yourself a Priority as a Caregiver

The role of caregiver is fraught with the demands of both time and energy, often when both commodities are at a high premium in one’s life. Many adults find themselves caring for parents and children simultaneously as well as juggling a work and home environment where added stressors multiply quickly. As in any demanding time of life, prioritizing what goes at the top of the list is very important. It may seem counterintuitive, but put your name at the top of the list.

Get Some Sunshine

So often people will run for the covers when they’re feeling overwhelmed or depressed about life. However, what might turn out better for many is to lift off the covers and head for the great outdoors. Do I mean to wander off on some trail dodging falling pinecones or broken … Read More

Just Breathe

The next time you are feeling the demands of life weighing heavy, try slowing down your life to the pace of one deep breath.