Talking With Your Teen About Porn: 7 Tips for Having the Conversation(s), Part 2 of 2

We’ve spent plenty of time in prior blogs discussing whether or not porn use merits a conversation with your teen; and addressing common barriers to having this conversation; and offering suggestions as you prepare yourself for the conversation. Finally…you are ready to talk! Included in this blog are the last 4 of 7 great tips to keep in mind when you have your conversation.

Talking With Your Teen About Porn: 7 Tips for Having the Conversation(s), Part 1 of 2

We’ve spent plenty of time in prior blogs discussing whether or not porn use merits a conversation with your teen; and addressing common barriers to having this conversation; and offering suggestions as you prepare yourself for the conversation. Finally…you are ready to talk! Here are the first 3 of 7 great tips to keep in mind when you have your conversation.

Talking with Your Teen About Porn: Overcoming the Barriers, Part 3 of 3

So, you suspect that your teen is viewing pornography. You feel like maybe you should have a conversation about that. Here we discuss the third of 3 common barriers parents face when wanting to having this important conversation. Barrier 3: “My son (or daughter) doesn’t want to hear anything from me about sex. Period. End of discussion.”

Talking with Your Teen About Porn: Is Today’s Porn Harmless? Part 3 of 4

Isn’t viewing porn pretty harmless for teens? Isn’t this just a phase most boys (or young people) go through? Although it is normal to be curious and interested, here is the third of 4 reasons the average young person today may not “casually” view pornography without being seriously impacted by what he or she consumes.