Holding Hope

Hope is easy to operationalize – a goal, a pathway, and agency. The more we use hope, the better we become at staying hopeful.

Busy being busy

busy being busy image

Maybe this year our resolution should be to do less, rest more, and prioritize boundaries. To take a time out every day, every week, and every month to take care of ourselves.

Joy In The Mundane

There are moments of joy to be found even in mundane activities. If you so choose, you could make it a mission to detect the joy in even the most mundane of tasks.

Resilience – Built Through Trials

Trials…we all experience them. If you’ve been alive long enough, chances are you’ve faced trials and tribulations at some point in your life. What is it about life that inevitably involves both highs and lows? While we all may experience trials, our responses to them vary. When it comes to … Read More

A Lesson in Breaking Through

Often it is important to take some time to reflect on the circumstances that bring us to this place where the way is seemingly blocked. 

Evidence of Growth

Take some time to look for evidence of growth in your life.  Sometimes it may not be apparent until you begin to look closely.