Happiness and Gratitude

Gratitude grows when we focus on what we have, rather than what we don’t.So be mindful, be grateful, and go get your sparkle on!

Tips to Stay Organized!

There are so many ways to incorporate organization in your life! Find what works for you and your schedule. Slowly begin to implement these into your routine. Though it may take time to get organized, the time it saves in the long run is worth every minute of effort!

Making and Honoring Commitments

If you find that you’ve fallen off the wagon of personal commitment, don’t fret! The good news is that you can always start again.

Holding Hope in 2021

Hope is easy to operationalize – a goal, a pathway, and agency. The more we use hope, the better we become at staying hopeful.

Recognizing Decision Types

Once you identify which category your decision falls under, you can begin the process of making the decision.

The Dangers of Perfectionism

Perfectionism becomes measured by performance as our society is continuously sorted into schools, classes, and standardized tests.