Living Intentionally During the Holidays

The holiday season is typically one of the busiest times of the year for families. It’s easy to feel lost through it all, like you’re walking in a haze and caught up in the rush. At the end of the year you may think, “Where did all of my time go? Why do I still feel unfulfilled?” During this holiday season I urge to think about your own values. Values look different for every individual and every family. If you value community, knowledge, and love how does this show up in your life?

Gratitude is Good for Your Health

This always makes me think about how gratitude shows up in my everyday life. When I am really serious about being grateful the things that come up are my family, my health, and the connections I have. So, why do I spend so much of my time focused on other things?

30 Day Self-Care Challenge

I believe self-care involves stepping into holistic wellness, noting habits and choices that build us up, give us energy, and help us participate in our lives well.

Holding Hope

Hope is easy to operationalize – a goal, a pathway, and agency. The more we use hope, the better we become at staying hopeful.

Building Resilience

Resilience is not merely a gift that some people possess, it is also a skill that can be learned. What a relief.

Finding the Right Therapist

We’ve put together a list of questions that may be helpful for you to ask as you are considering who to choose as a therapist!

When to Seek a Counselor

While reasons for seeking a counselor can vary, today we are discussing four of the most common reasons to seek therapy.