What is self-care, really?

Self-care needs to be considered a daily practice or it can lead to a cycle of burning out, adding in self care, and burning out again.

When to Seek a Counselor

While reasons for seeking a counselor can vary, today we are discussing four of the most common reasons to seek therapy.

Recognizing Signs of Self-Harm

If you suspect a loved one of self-harm, here are possible warning signs to look for and encouraging steps you can take to help.

The Dangers of Perfectionism

Perfectionism becomes measured by performance as our society is continuously sorted into schools, classes, and standardized tests.

Trauma & Eating Disorders

There are many things that can contribute to the development of an eating disorder, but one of the most common factors is unresolved trauma.

Exercise Isn’t Therapy

The emphasis on utilizing exercise as an alternative to counseling can be problematic, as it is not actual professional therapy.