Four Tips for Setting Goals

We are not very good at achieving the goals we set for ourselves because we are not very good at setting attainable goals.

Make Your Resolutions Stick

Here are some tips that will help you set a resolution that you are more likely to stick to throughout this year.

What You Do With Your Time

Time has a way of slipping past doesn’t it? It happens to everyone at one time or another. Even the best planners can miss a beat occasionally.

It’s how you plan, think ahead, and do your best to stay attuned to what you do with your time that matters.

Busy being busy

busy being busy image

Maybe this year our resolution should be to do less, rest more, and prioritize boundaries. To take a time out every day, every week, and every month to take care of ourselves.

Being Supermom Stressing You Out?

Mothers are the world’s best jugglers: family, work, money—they seem to do it all. However, all that responsibility can often leave moms feeling overstretched and stressed out.

Do you sleep well?

Setting sleep as a priority will increase one’s ability to sleep well and perform the necessary tasks involved in the following day’s activities.

Comparison: The Joy Thief

You may be surprised at the difference in your happiness when you stop living by other people’s standards and start living by your own.

Joy In The Mundane

There are moments of joy to be found even in mundane activities. If you so choose, you could make it a mission to detect the joy in even the most mundane of tasks.

Building Resilience

Resilience is not merely a gift that some people possess, it is also a skill that can be learned. What a relief.