When Anger Masks Anxiety

When anger masks underlying anxiety, attacking anxiety can accelerate success. Skill building gives us the ability to interrupt escalating anxiety.

Let’s Talk about Anger

Anger is one of the many emotions that naturally occur within us. Anger in and of itself is not a bad emotion; however, the way we express it may not be healthy or productive.

Three Ways to Challenge Your Aggressive Behaviors

Aggressive behavior is a style of expressing one’s feelings and needs in a way that violates the rights of others. This pattern of behavior will often generate fear in others and alienate them from the aggressor. An individual with a pattern of aggressive behavior will blame others instead of taking accountability for their actions.

Think About Your Thoughts

Cognitive distortions are common ways in which thoughts become skewed, causing people to feel depressed and anxious, among other things.

After School Meltdowns

back to school, meltdowns, after school

An after-school meltdown may be your child releasing their pent up mental, physical and emotional energy after a full day of needing to exercise a lot of self-control.

Building a Better Brain

Therapy is a critical element in experiencing change. But we also believe that what our clients do with their time outside of therapy will either assist with or distract from their goals. In fact, studies are showing us that certain things we do and specific changes we make can literally change the “wiring” and composition of the brain.

Coping Skills vs Defense Mechanisms

Defense mechanisms are unconscious responses to overwhelming stress in our lives. Although they serve an important purpose, if left unchecked, protective instincts from defense mechanisms can inhibit the development of healthier coping skills. We are going to dive into two common defense mechanisms: denial and regression. Denial One of our … Read More

Laughter as a Coping Strategy


In these seasons and more broadly in general, incorporating humor as a coping strategy can bring some positive color back into daily life.